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Published on 07 July 2023
Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey results show a mixed response from Northern Grampians Shire residents, but the overall direction taken by the council is considered positive.
The recently released 2023 Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey Report indicates a mixed response from residents across the shire but validates a strategic objective instigated by the council as a result of the previous Community Satisfaction Survey report and is reflective of the council’s ongoing commitment to St Arnaud.
Northern Grampians Shire Council is pleased with the results and acknowledges that there is still a great deal of work to be done. Results of the survey were discussed at length during the shire’s July council meeting held on Monday 3 July in Stawell, with statistics showing that the council sits on par with the small rural grouping of councils across the state. The councillors also agreed to pay for an additional question to be incorporated into the survey asking our residents what council can do most to improve performance. This will mean that residents will have the opportunity to highlight any of the issues or services we cover or it could be about something else altogether. By offering this question to our residents, we hope that we are providing a genuine and dedicated feedback pathway that is independent of the council.
Coordinated by the Department of Government Services on behalf of Victorian councils, the survey is a vital interface between the council and the community and provides insight into community views on the council’s overall performance, value for money in services and infrastructure, community consultation and engagement, decisions made in the interest of the community, customer service, local infrastructure, facilities, services and overall council direction.
“This year’s survey results are encouraging. The results in St Arnaud in particular are a great illustration of how the council has been able to use this survey as a tool to inform our operations going forward,” Mayor of Northern Grampians Shire, Cr Kevin Erwin, said.
“Our commitment to community consultation and our effort to engage effectively with our community has begun to show at ground level. At a strategic level, the council decided to focus more on the St Arnaud township area and we are starting to see dividends because of the actions taken by the council and council staff. We are now surveying quarterly, instead of once a year. This approach will allow us to gain further insights through the data this community satisfaction survey report offers us. For example, feelings within the community can be tracked over the year to see if our results are skewed by external events such as weather phenomena,” Cr Ewin continued.
“During the July Council Meeting, recommendations were put forward to continue to keep the balance of focus on Stawell and St Arnaud and to also consider how best to ensure that our smaller townships share equal focus,” Cr Erwin added.
Northern Grampians Shire Council was graded above the state-wide average for overall direction and is performing in line with the small rural group of councils and the state-wide average for councils in three of the four service areas evaluated. The council intend to continue to work to keep their balance of focus between Stawell and St Arnaud while broadening their commitment to our smaller townships.
If you would like to read further, the 2023 Local Government Survey Report is available for download on the Northern Grampians Shire Council website at
For further information contact:
Media & Communications – Lauren Shipman
2023-NGSC-LG-Community-Satisfaction-Survey-Report.pdf(PDF, 2MB)