Public Registers

In line with public transparency principles, council makes available a variety of information on our website to make it easily accessible to the community.

The Chief Executive Officer must ensure that following a general election a summary of each election campaign donation return(PDF, 14KB) given to them is made available on the council's website.

If an election campaign donation return is given after the period specified, the Chief Executive Officer must ensure that a summary of the return is made available on the website.

The Chief Executive Officer must ensure that a summary of an election campaign donation return is made available on the website until the close of the roll for the next general election.

The Chief Executive Officer must ensure that a copy of an election campaign donation return is available for inspection at council offices during normal office hours for a period of four years from the date that it is given.


Council must keep a public register of delegations of its powers, duties or functions made to the Chief Executive Officer and members of any delegated committees.

Council maintains a register of delegations sub-delegated by the Chief Executive Officer to members of council staff and of people appointed by it to be authorised officers for the purposes of the administration and enforcement of any Act, regulations or local laws which relate to the functions and powers of the council.

Council also maintains and makes available to the public a register of authorised officers appointed under s.224 and s.224(1A) of the Local Government Act 1989.  

Copies of full Instruments of Delegation are available upon request or to view at council offices.

Delegations and Authorisations






Council has adopted a Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Policy(PDF, 288KB) which clearly outlines its position on responding to offers of gifts, benefits and hospitality to ensure transparency and accountability.

Council maintains a Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Register to record offers in line with the policy and a copy of the public register that complies with our privacy obligations and includes information on offers made in the last 12 months is published below.

Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Register



The Chief Executive Officer makes available a written record of informal meetings of councillors for public inspection at the offices of the council for a period of 12 months after the date of the informal meeting. If you would like to inspect the records please contact the Governance Team on 03 5358 8700.



Informal Meetings of Councillors - Public Register




A Chief Executive Officer must prepare a summary of the personal interests information disclosed in the last personal interests return lodged with them.

  • The summary must include:
    the town or suburb, but not the street address or number of the land that is the place of residence of a person as disclosed in the return;
  • the matters prescribed by the Local Government (Governance and Integrity) Regulations 2020.


The Chief Executive Officer must publish the summary of personal interests on our website and make it available for inspection at the council offices.

Initial Personal Interests Returns Summary

Biannual Interest Returns Summary

You can inspect the Voters' Roll and Chief Executive Officer Voters' Roll for a short period before a general election at our council offices. 

Local council elections are held on the fourth Saturday of October every four years. The next round of council elections will be held on Saturday 26 October 2024. Find out more here

Council must:

ensure that the Voters' Roll is available for inspection by members of the public for the period of 15 working days ending at 4pm on the entitlement date

ensure that the Voters' Roll certified by the Chief Executive Officer is available for inspection by members of the public for the period

a. beginning on the day after the roll is certified; and

b. ending 30 days after election day.