Australian Plant Society Grampians group Ararat- Halls Gap Rd,, Pomonal 3381 Monthly talks/ garden visits to promote interest and knowledge about Australian native plants Type : Social groups and Special interest clubs
Ballarat & Grampians Community Legal Service 91a Wilson Street, Horsham, Other (Outside NG) 3400 Free and Confidential Legal Assistance Type : Community centres
BlazeAid October 2022 Floods - Moonambel Camp Stawell - Avoca Road, 3478 BlazeAid is a charitable organisation that helps communities rebuild after all natural disasters. Type : Service clubs
Central Grampians LLEN 4-30 Barkly Street, Ararat 3377 Central Grampians Local Learning and Employment Network relies on the support of volunteers. We are currently looking for community members to mentor young people enrolled in our MATES Mentoring and TAC L2P Programs. For as little as one hour per fortnight, you could make a huge difference in the life of a local young person. Type : Education and training
Claybowl Pottery Developing decorative and functional ceramic artworks at Halls Gap in the Grampians, and helping others realise their creative potential with clay. Type : Our Creatives and Art Galleries
Conundrum Holdings Pty Ltd Mt Drummond Rd, Stawell 3380 Providing road sealing and asphalt aggregates, railway ballast, Class 1, 2 and 3 crushed rock, beaching and filter materials Type : Transport services
CWA Stawell Branch 19 Main St, Stawell 3380 Part of a worldwide network of city and rural women supporting women, children and families. Type : Service clubs
Family Drug and Gambling Helpline 140 Grange Road, 3163 We provide practical help, information and support to families and friends affected by someone's drinking, drug use or gambling. We deliver professional and peer-based services across Victoria including counselling, support groups, education programs and a 24-hour helpline. Type : Health services
Grampian Model Railroaders 15 Wakeham St, Stawell, Stawell 3380 We are a model railway club People from anywhere are welcome to apply to join the club.We meet every Thursday night at 7.30pm in the Stawell Goods Shed 15 Wakeham St, Stawell with the first Thursday of each month being a BBQ night starting at about 6pm - BYO food​Visitors are more than welcome to come Type : Social groups and Special interest clubs
Grampians Bushwalking Club See country you have never seen before with experienced guides, offering outdoor exercise, forest bathing, great social benefits, and low cost. Type : Social groups and Special interest clubs