Our building and planning teams have implemented a new and simple permit application process called Greenlight. The Greenlight Online Permit Manager will allow you to submit and pay for your applications online, receive correspondence by email and monitor the status of your applications from start to finish. To access, please visit our planning or building permit pages or click on the link:
Northern Grampians Shire Greenlight Planning and Building Permits
A phone call to the Rates Team is all it takes to let us know that you are experiencing difficulties and for us to assist you. All enquiries made are kept strictly confidential.
Having a payment plan is often an effective way to ease the burden. Northern Grampians Shire Council offers a range of options for ratepayers to set up a payment plan.
In cases of financial hardship, additional assistance can be provided in the form of a referral to a free independent financial counsellor.
Council has a Personal Financial Hardship Policy(PDF, 145KB) to assist those ratepayers in genuine financial distress. Further information regarding assistance available can be obtained from council’s rating department.
Ratepayers can use the form at the bottom of this page to make an application for financial hardship relief. Applicants will be encouraged to enter into a payment arrangement. A referral to an independent financial counsellor can be arranged if required.
Additionally, the owner(s) of rateable land may apply for a waiver or deferral in respect of the Fire Services Property Levy. The owner(s) of non-rateable residential land, which is leviable for the Fire Services Property Levy, can also apply for a waiver or deferral.
Further information regarding assistance available can be obtained from council's rating department.
Council rates application for financial hardship form >>