Our building and planning teams have implemented a new and simple permit application process called Greenlight. The Greenlight Online Permit Manager will allow you to submit and pay for your applications online, receive correspondence by email and monitor the status of your applications from start to finish. To access, please visit our planning or building permit pages or click on the link:
Northern Grampians Shire Greenlight Planning and Building Permits
Helpful information about bushfire prone areas, termite zones and flood zones.
Most parcels of land within the Northern Grampians Shire are within a bushfire prone area. To check if your land is within one of these areas, you can visit Land Vic Property Search.
Building works within a bushfire prone area require a Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) assessment to be submitted with a building permit application. Please note that if you are required to obtain a planning permit for your building work due to the Bushfire Management Overlay, your BAL level will be set by the planning permit.
The whole of Northern Grampians Shire is a declared termite area.
This means all buildings proposed to be constructed within the municipality must be provided with measures to protect the building from termites.
Referred to as land subject to inundation.
Land likely to be affected by flooding in a one in 100 flood event will mostly be identified with a Land Subject to Inundation Overlay or LSIO. To check if your land is within a flood prone area, you can visit Land Vic Property Search.
Please see Flood Victoria for more detail on flooding in Victoria.