Council crowns 2025 Australia Day Award winners

Published on 26 January 2025

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John Beggs (pictured with wife, Brenda) and Linda Fearon are Northern Grampians Shire's Citizens of the Year for 2025.

Dedicated St Arnaud volunteer John Beggs and Glenorchy historian Linda Fearon are Northern Grampians Shire Council’s Citizens of the Year for 2025.

They headline an impressive list of winners of the municipality’s Australia Day Awards, announced at ceremonies in St Arnaud and Stawell on Sunday.

Mayor Karen Hyslop said there was plenty of competition for this year’s accolades, with councillors selecting winners from a strong pool of applicants in both Kara Kara and combined Central and Grampians ward divisions.

“We are very blessed in Northern Grampians Shire to have so many people and groups volunteering their time and expertise to ensure our community thrives,” she said.

“It was a pleasure to pay tribute to some of them on Sunday, as we took the opportunity to reflect, respect and celebrate how lucky we are to live in such a vibrant and caring place.”

The municipality’s Australia Day festivities started in St Arnaud with a community breakfast courtesy of the town’s Lions and Rotary clubs.

Eleanor Parry sang the national anthem, supported by St Arnaud Citizens Band, while local Australia Day ambassador Barry Batters addressed the crowd.

The official ceremony culminated in the announcement of this year’s award winners.

“The Citizen of the Year award recognises the exceptional contributions and tireless efforts of an individual who goes above and beyond to make our community a better place,” Cr Hyslop said.

“This year’s winner arrived in St Arnaud in 2018 and from the moment he set foot in our town, he made an immediate and lasting impact.

“Within no time, John became involved with the Lions Club, and since then, his contributions have been outstanding.”

Mr Beggs has served St Arnaud Lions Club as president and secretary and remains a dedicated participant in all the club’s activities.

He also played an integral role in organising the town’s Good Friday Appeal efforts for the Royal Children's Hospital, last year helping raise one of the group’s largest-ever amounts for the appeal.

Mr Beggs was also involved in the Lions’ Christmas Procession; organised a welcome event for both new and long-standing citizens of St Arnaud; has served as St Arnaud Football Club treasurer for four years, Senior Citizens Club vice-president and RSL secretary; and is the Lions Club representative on the St Arnaud Show Committee.

“His involvement in local organisations is truly remarkable,” Cr Hyslop said.

“What truly sets him apart is his willingness to step in whenever needed – we are incredibly fortunate to have him as part of our community.”


Other Kara Kara awards

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Kara Kara ward's Senior Citizen of the Year William Bray, left, and DustyRaiyn McIntyre receiving her Young Citizen of the Year award from Cr Murray Emerson.

DustyRaiyn McIntyre is Kara Kara ward’s Young Citizen of the Year for 2025.

“DustyRaiyn is an extraordinary young person with quiet determination and competence who is always striving to make a positive difference in the world around her,” Cr Hyslop said.

DustyRaiyn has been an active participant in the Rural Youth Ambassador Program and Youth Parliament, working to amplify the voices of young people.

As part of the Buloke Loddon Rural Youth Network, she co-designed and ran cooking classes in Charlton and Birchip. She has also contributed significantly to the Martha Haylett Youth Advisory Council in Rippon and took the initiative to create, run and fundraise for a Youth Space at the Raillery Hub.  

“DustyRaiyn has been an active member of the St Arnaud community and her long list of achievements is even more impressive given her age,” Cr Hyslop said.

Senior Citizen of the Year, William 'Dick' Bray, has served St Arnaud Rotary International Club with distinction for more than 55 years, overseeing key projects such as the creation of the Rotary House accommodation at St John of God, Ballarat; construction of St Arnaud Aerodrome; providing $40,000 to the community through the club’s Drought Funding Program; and renovations to the sheep pavilion at Lord Nelson Park.

Mr Bray has also served on St Arnaud Hospital Board and is an inaugural member of the Saints and Sinners Bike Riding Group.

“William is recognised for his lifetime of accomplishments and steadfast commitment to his family, business and the community of St Arnaud with the support of his wife, Jean,” Cr Hyslop said.

“They are an inspiration to us all.”

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Congratulations to the organisers of the St Arnaud Fire Brigade 150th Anniversary Torchlight Parade and Pebble Church Heritage Association.

Cr Hyslop said following an overwhelming number of outstanding nominations in the Event of the Year/Community Group of the Year category, councillors decided to present two awards.

The first went to St Arnaud Fire Brigade 150th Anniversary Torchlight Parade.

“The event honoured the dedicated and selfless volunteers of this incredible brigade,” Cr Hyslop said.

“What made this event truly special was the way it brought everyone together – it took years of hard work to bring it to life and the entire town rallied behind it.”

Pebble Church Heritage Association is the Community Group of the Year, recognised for its dedication, passion and contribution to preserving St Arnaud’s history and enriching the community.

In 2020, a passionate group of individuals saw a critical need to save an important part of St Arnaud history, the Pebble Church. The group rallied, raising more than $120,000 in just under two weeks, ensuring the beautiful, historic building would remain accessible to the public.  
“Their work is a testament to what can be achieved when passionate individuals come together with a shared purpose,” Cr Hyslop said.

Following the ceremony, attendees were treated to Devonshire morning tea courtesy of Friends of the Queen Mary Gardens.


Stawell festivities

On Sunday afternoon, festivities moved to Central Park in Stawell, with attendees celebrating residents of Central and Grampians wards.

In announcing the shire’s remaining Citizen of the Year, Cr Hyslop said Mrs Fearon was a dedicated and passionate person who had shown great commitment in researching and preserving Glenorchy’s history.

“Through her tireless work she has uncovered the stories that make Glenorchy so unique, ensuring future generations will understand and appreciate the town’s rich heritage,” she said.

“Her passion extends beyond just research. Together with her husband, she has created a breathtaking garden filled with stunning flowers and plants that has become a beautiful attraction for people to come and view.”

Mrs Fearon also played a major role in organising the ‘Glenorchy Then and Now’ event last year, which brought the town’s history to life.

“The success of this event – and so many of her other initiatives – can be attributed to the countless hours of work Linda puts in, the attention to detail and her unwavering dedication to the community,” Cr Hyslop said.

“She reminds us of the importance of honouring our past while embracing the future.”


Other Central and Grampians winners

Jo Betram is the 2025 Australia Day Local Hero of the Year, for her ‘selfless devotion to helping others’.

“Jo is someone who has always given more than she has received, and who has made an extraordinary impact through her quiet acts of compassion and care,” Cr Hyslop said.

“She is a pillar of kindness in our community and has helped people both privately and publicly, always there to lend a helping hand.

“Many of you may know her through her tireless volunteer work at the Cottage, located next to the Church of Christ in Sloane Street.  

“Jo does what needs to be done, often quietly and without anyone knowing. Her impact is immeasurable.”

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Local Hero of the Year, Jo Bertram, and Young Citizens of the Year, Xyrus Gragasin, left, and Zachary Ford.

Determined and talented athlete Xyrus Gragasin and up-and-coming community leader Zachary Ford are joint Young Citizens of the Year.

Xyrus has been a dedicated member of local sporting groups from a young age, with athletics being one of his standout passions. Throughout the years, he has consistently competed at state and regional track and field championships with Stawell Little Athletics.

This year, he reached new heights by competing at a national level for the first time, securing an impressive seventh-place finish.

“What truly sets him apart, however, is his remarkable character,” Cr Hyslop said.

“Beyond his personal accomplishments, he has gone above and beyond to support and inspire others. He has made a real difference for many children.

“His achievements and the positive impact he has made on our community are inspiring.”

Cr Hyslop said Zachary had also proven age was no barrier when it came to making a difference.

“Whether it’s volunteering his time at community organisations or participating in events, Zach has consistently gone above and beyond,” she said.

His volunteer activities include Meals on Wheels, Stawell Community Carols committee, Grampians Community Health FreeZa youth program and Stawell Inter Church Council welfare cottage, where he became the first and only junior volunteer.

“Zach has shown incredible leadership and selflessness in everything he does, and it is clear that he has touched the lives of many in our community,” Cr Hyslop said.

“His hard work, kindness and passion for giving back is an example to us all.” 


Stawell Agricultural Society is the Community Group of the Year for 2025.

Stawell Agricultural Society won the final award, Community Group of the Year.

Cr Hyslop said the society exemplified the true spirit of community, driven by passion, hard work and dedication. 

“Faced with the challenge of a slowly fading agricultural show, they refused to let it slip away,” she said.

“Instead, they rose to the occasion with an ambition that revitalised the Stawell Show in ways no one could have anticipated. 

“On behalf of the entire community, I congratulate this remarkable group of volunteers.”

Citizenship ceremony

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Congratulations to Yu-En Jeng.

Cr Hyslop said another highlight of activities at Central Park was an Australian citizenship ceremony. Yu-En Jeng, of Taiwan, took the pledge and is now an Australian citizen.

“Citizenship ceremonies are one of the greatest roles that we get to participate in at council and I would like to congratulate Yu-En on making the decision to become a citizen of our wonderful country,” Cr Hyslop said.

She thanked everyone who organised and participated in the council’s Australia Day activities, including Stawell Australia Day Ambassador Kathryn Clayton, performers Stawell Brass Band, Sarah Tierney, Vanuatu String Band and Kyle Kanindot, and those who provided the barbecue - Stawell Woolworths, Lions and Country Women’s Association.

Navarre, Stuart Mill and Marnoo townships also hosted community-led Australia Day activities.



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