Memberships and Fees

Please view our different membership options, access and program fees below. If you have any questions please reach out to us by calling 03 5358 0550 or by emailing

A membership at the Stawell Sports and Aquatic Centre is built by you for you. As a member, can choose which areas of the facility you want to use which determines how much you pay each fortnight.

You can choose from either Gold, Silver, or Bronze options which grant you access to either one, two or all three of SSACs main service areas which includes:

Aquatic & Sport Access

  • Unlimited pool access (indoor and outdoor)
  • Unlimited spa access
  • Access to our Gentle Aqua and Water Aerobic classes
  • Unlimited access to our Stadium and Racquetball courts

24/7 Gym Access

  • 24/7 access, 365 days a year
  • Personalised gym program developed by one of our personal trainers
  • Ongoing program check-ins with one of our personal trainers
  • Body composition scans 

Group Fitness Class Access

  • Access to our group fitness classes (gym and pool classes)
  • Access to the fitness on demand app
  • Body composition scans 

Bronze Membership Options

This gives you access to one of SSAC's service areas mentioned above of your choice.

Standard Fees

  • Direct debit option = $28.90 per fortnight (cheapest rate)
  • 3-month option = $199.40 upfront payment
  • 6-month option = $382.70 upfront payment
  • 12-month option = $797.40 upfront payment

Concession Fees

  • Concession direct debit option = $22.90 per fortnight (cheapest rate)
  • Concession 3-month option = $163.40 upfront payment
  • Concession 6-month option = $330.40 upfront payment
  • Concession 12-month option = $641.40 upfront payment
For example, you could select aBronze 24/7 Gym Access membership or a Bronze Aquatic & Sport Access membership which would both be $28.90 per fortnight (standard fee). 

Silver Membership Options

This gives you access to two of SSAC's service areas mentioned above of your choice.

Standard Fees

  • Direct debit option = $34.90 per fortnight (cheapest rate)
  • 3-month option = $235.40 upfront payment
  • 6-month option = $486.70 upfront payment
  • 12-month option = $953.40 upfront payment

Concession Fees

  • Concession direct debit option = $28.90 per fortnight (cheapest rate)
  • Concession 3-month option = $199.40 upfront payment
  • Concession 6-month option = $408.70 upfront payment
  • Concession 12-month option = $797.40 upfront payment

For example, you could select a Silver 24/7 Gym Access membership or a Silver Aquatic & Sport Access membership which would both be $34.90 per fortnight (standard fee).

Gold Membership Options

This gives you access to all three of SSAC's service areas, essentially providing full access to everything on offer.

Standard Fees

  • Direct debit option = $40.90 per fortnight (cheapest rate)
  • 3-month option = $271.40 upfront payment
  • 6-month option = $564.70 upfront payment
  • 12-month option = $1,109.40 upfront payment

Concession Fees

  • Concession direct debit option = $34.90 per fortnight (cheapest rate)
  • Concession 3-month option = $235.40 upfront payment
  • Concession 6-month option = $486.70 upfront payment
  • Concession 12-month option = $953.40 upfront payment
For example, you could select a Gold membership which would give you access to all 3x of the service areas (24/7 Gym Access, Aquatic & Sport Access and Group Fitness Class Access) which would be $40.90 per fortnight (standard fee).

Platinum Membership

SSAC has a free membership available for anyone over the age of 75 years. This provides you with access to all of SSAC service areas to enjoy at your leisure.  

Have a question? Give us a call on 03 5358 0550 to chat about which option might be the best fit for you. 

View SSAC Membership Terms and Conditions(PDF, 320KB).

*Learn to Swim Program - single child

Our Learn to Swim program includes access to 1x lesson each week during school terms, holiday programs and swimming intensive programs. It also allows recreational swimming for the child at all times (no additional charge). Direct debit for one child = $27 per fortnight

*Learn to Swim Program - multiple children

Learn to swim program includes access to one lesson each week during school terms, holiday programs and swimming intensive programs. It also allows recreational swimming for the child at all times (no additional charge). Direct debit for the second and subsequent children$24.30 each per fortnight

*Please note, we also offer term-based memberships. Please call the centre on 03 5358 0550 to discuss these options. 

Swimming - school program

Fee per child attending school swimming programs = $4.00 each per lesson

Swimming - school AUSTSWIM Teacher

Fee per hour for an AUSTSWIM Teacher for school swimming programs = $55 per hour

10x visit pass - adult

Gym and group fitness access, paid upfront for ten passes = $126.00

10x visit pass - concession

Gym and group fitness access for patrons under 18 years of age, or those who hold a healthcare, pension or gold card = $99.00

Single visit pass - adult

Gym and group fitness access for a single visit only = $14.00

Single visit pass - concession

Gym and group fitness access for patrons under 18 years of age, or those who hold a healthcare, pension or gold card for a single visit only = $11.00

Body scan

Body composition scan and MyWellness account creation for a 15-minute appointment$10.00

Single visit pass - family 

Swim, spa access for all members of an immediate family, for that visit only = $16.00

Please note, this pass includes 4x individuals (over the age of 5 years), one of whom must be a parent or guardian.

Single visit pass - adult

Swim, spa access for a single visit only = $7.00

Single visit pass - concession

Swim and spa access for patrons under 18 years of age, or those who hold a healthcare, pension or DVA card, for a single visit only = $5.60

10x visit passes - adult

Swim, spa access, paid upfront for ten passes = $63.00

10x visit passes - concession

Swim, spa, and access for patrons under 18 years of age, or those who hold a healthcare, pension or DVA card, paid upfront for ten passes = $50.40

Please note - only persons 16 years of age and above are able to access the spa.

Active AgiNG - 10x visit pass

Access to the Active AgiNG and Gentle Aqua classes only = $72.00

Active AgiNG - single visit pass

Entry to Active AgiNG and Gentle Aqua classes only = $8.00

Squash/racquetball court hire

Hourly fee, paid on attendance, to hire a squash/racquetball court = $15.00 

Stadium hire - adult

Hourly fee, paid on attendance, to utilise the stadium = $5.00 

Stadium hire - junior

Hourly fee, paid on attendance, to utilise the stadium= $5.00

Stadium hire - group

Hourly fee, paid on attendance, to utilise the stadium = $35.00

General amenities

Access to the shower facilities = $4.00 per visit