Council is now in the Election Period until Saturday 6pm 26 October 2024.
Published on 19 August 2022
Northern Grampians Shire Council was pleased to join fellow stakeholders to celebrate the opening of the Stawell Underground Physics Laboratory (SUPL) today.
The unique underground environment of the Stawell Gold Mines has provided the ideal location for SUPL – the southern hemisphere’s first underground physics laboratory. Scientists from Australia’s leading universities, Stawell Gold Mines Pty Ltd and Northern Grampians Shire Council identified the opportunity to design a facility of international significance which would bring together the best of the world’s scientific minds, engineering excellence, public sector support to make this technology dream a reality.
At North Park Community Sports Centre this afternoon, Northern Grampians Shire Council Mayor Cr Murray Emerson joined with spokespeople from Melbourne University and Stawell Gold Mines in expressing his excitement about the venture.
"Northern Grampians Shire Council is delighted to see the SUPL project complete this major milestone and be officially unveiled underneath the Stawell Gold Mines,” said Mayor Emerson.
“SUPL has really put Stawell on the map as an international centre for dark matter research; it has been a fantastic effort by everyone involved and we are extremely proud to have this happening in our town.
"Council has been both a partner and an avid supporter since inception. We thank Melbourne University, its many partners across the world and the Federal and Victorian Governments for investing so heavily in our shire and for a collaboration that will no doubt see SUPL uncovering some of the mysteries of the universe.”
Event photo link: