2025 Australia Day Ceremonies
Northern Grampians Shire Council invites you to join in celebrating and honouring local achievements at our Australia Day ceremonies in St Arnaud and Stawell, or at partner events across the shire in towns such as Navarre, Stuart Mill and Marnoo.
St Arnaud Australia Day Ceremony
Location - Market Square, St Arnaud
8am - Free community breakfast courtesy of Rotary and Lions clubs of St Arnaud.
9am - Official Australia Day Awards ceremony and flag raising ceremony. A special community address will be delivered by our local St Arnaud Australia Day Ambassador, Barry Batters.
Following the ceremony, enjoy a Devonshire morning tea at St Arnaud Town Hall, courtesy of Friends of the Queen Mary Gardens.
Wet weather option: If weather conditions require a change of venue, the event will move to St Arnaud Town Hall. Notification of this change will be provided via social media and signage at the venue.
Stawell Australia Day Ceremony
Location - Central Park, Stawell
5pm - Free community barbecue courtesy of Stawell Woolworths, Lions Club and Stawell CWA.
6pm - Official Australia Day Awards ceremony, with a special community address delivered by Stawell Ambassador, Kathryn Clayton, Pinnacle CEO. This will be followed by an Australian citizenship ceremony.
Wet weather option: If the weather turns unfavourable, the event will be relocated to the Stawell Town Hall. Watch for notifications on social media and signage at the venue.
Navarre Australia Day Ceremony
Location - Community Park, High Street
8am to 10am - Free community breakfast to start the day.
10am - Flag raising ceremony followed by official Australia Day ceremony, which will include a guest speaker.
Further details - Leonie Bibby, 0439 753 344
Marnoo Australia Day Ceremony
Location - Marnoo Hall, 2 Newall Street
12pm - Community lunch provided by Marnoo CWA.
Flag raising ceremony followed by official Australia Day ceremony, which will include guest speaker Jane Goninon, of Grampians Community Health. Plese RSVP for catering purposes.
Further details - Marg Shaughnessy, 0438 080 142 or Lois Johnson, 0400 715 080
Stuart Mill Australia Day Ceremony
Location - Stuart Mill Hall, Stuart Mill
7pm - Official proceedings with a guest speaker, followed by a light supper. All welcome to attend.
Further details - Sheryn Lloyd, 0409 428 572
Sunday, 26 January 2025 | 08:00 AM
- 07:00 PM
There are events happening across Stawell, St Arnaud, Marnoo, Navarre and Stuart Mill.