Council Meetings
Council Minutes and Agendas
Council agendas are normally available on this web page on the Monday before a council meeting and minutes are posted in the week following the council meeting. It is important to note that the minutes of council meetings are not confirmed as a true and correct record until the following council meeting. Any changes to minutes through this confirmation process are not retrospectively made to previously published minutes.
Different arrangements may apply to council meetings that are not included in the adopted council meeting schedule. These can be meetings called at short notice or scheduled for a particular reason including meeting legislative timelines.
If you would like a copy of the public agenda, a specific report, or council minutes previous to those listed below on the website, or if you have any questions, please contact the Governance Team on 03 5358 8700 or e-mail
View upcoming Council meeting agendas and past Minutes
Governance Rules (meeting procedure)
View Council's Governance Rules 2022(PDF, 599KB)
Submit Question for Public Question Time
Members of the public are encouraged to ask questions of council during Public Question Time at council meetings (with the exception of meetings not included in the adopted council meeting schedule).
Public Question Time Form
Questions With Notice must be submitted by 12pm on the Wednesday the week prior to a council meeting. Type your question and the other required information into the following online form. When you submit, your request will be forwarded to the Governance Team who will arrange for your question to be circulated to councillors prior to the council meeting. You will be provided with a written response to your question following the meeting and the response will be included in the meeting minutes.
Questions Without Notice can be submitted on a Questions Without Notice Form(PDF, 374KB)
which must be handed to the Chair prior to the commencement of the relevant council meeting. Questions Without Notice forms are also available in the Council Chamber prior to each meeting. Submissions will be provided to the Chief Executive Officer and Chair to discuss. The Chair will make the decision whether or not the question/s will be read out after discussion with the Chief Executive Officer.
Question Time Guidelines
If you have a question and would like to ask it at a meeting, you might feel more comfortable if you read the Public Question Time Guidelines(PDF, 491KB) beforehand.
2025 Council meetings
Date |
Location |
Time |
Monday 3 February |
Stawell |
12.30pm |
Monday 3 March |
St Arnaud |
12.30pm |
Monday 7 April |
Stawell |
12.30pm |
Monday 5 May |
St Arnaud |
12.30pm |
Monday 2 June |
Stawell |
12.30pm |
Monday 30 June
(Budget adoption) |
St Arnaud |
12.30pm |
Monday 7 July |
Stawell |
12.30pm |
Monday 4 August |
St Arnaud |
12.30pm |
Monday 1 September |
Stawell |
12.30pm |
Monday 6 October |
St Arnaud |
12.30pm |
Monday 10 November |
Stawell |
12.30pm |
Monday 10 November
(Statutory Meeting) |
Stawell |
6.00pm |
Monday 1 December |
St Arnaud |
12.30pm |
Council meetings are open to the public to attend and are held in the Council Chambers, Pleasant Creek Historic Precinct, Stawell and the Perry Room, Town Hall, St Arnaud.
All meetings are open to the public to attend but are subject to change to meet with Covid requirements.
Livestreaming of council meetings
All council meetings are recorded and livestreamed to council's YouTube channel.
To watch the council meeting livestream, please click the button below five minutes before the scheduled meeting start time of 12.30pm.
Please allow up to three hours after a meeting has been recorded to watch the playback as buffering delays can occur.
Disclaimer: The opinions or statements made during the course of the council meeting are those of the particular individual, and not the opinions or statements of council.
Disclaimer: Council takes no responsibility for technical issues beyond its control which hinder or prevent the production and/or publishing of audio-visual recordings, such as, failure of the recording device, power outages or website unavailability.
Click here for Scheduled Council Meeting livestream >>
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