Central Park Mural, Stawell
Central Park Mural
The Central Park Mural is part of the larger Central Park Female Friendly Changerooms project, which was recently completed and opened by Jacinta Ermacora, Member for Western Victoria. You can find out more about this project here.
The Tender Process
Council sought tenders for Engagement, Design and Mural Artwork for the Central Park Clubrooms and artists Maxim Chikanchi and Rozelle Tan from MCRT.Studio were the successful tenderers. The tender was open from 8 September to 29 September 2023 and advertised through Tenderlink.
- There were five quality submissions.
- There were two top contenders with similar response to brief and site, quality and demonstrated ability, price and engagement.
- Weighting all selection criteria, it was decided that MCRT were the successful tenderer by a very small margin.
You can see some of their work @MCRT.Studio
The Engagement and Final Design were to be completed by 14 November 2023 for submission by NGSC to Heritage Victoria for approval. The timeframe was due to the funding agreement in place for the overall Female Friendly Changerooms project. This Heritage Victoria approval was due to the heritage overlay that sits over the Central Park Precinct.
The Engagement and Design Process
A workshop was hosted on 26 October 2023 at the Stawell Gift Hall of Fame to determine the brief with key stakeholders who were representatives from the user groups of the precinct, namely football, netball, cricket, and athletics. There was also a workshop to get ideas with Stawell 502 Primary School on the same day.
Key considerations findings from workshop were...

There was considerable discussion about figures in the mural being generic rather than local identities due to the problem of never being able to select an individual who was acceptable to everyone.
Overlaid with the feedback from the precinct users were the funding body requirements to provide a "Female Friendly, Gender Equity, Fair Access" lens over the project as the overall Changerooms project was funded by Sport and Recreation Victoria.
The focus on female participation in sport is prominent in the final design as required in the brief.
There were numerous versions to get to the final result with revisions that included;
reconfiguration of existing layout - replacing cricketer with footballer
greater representation of football and netball
further switching around elements to provide the final design.
By 22 November 2023, after five meetings to fine tune the layout and elements, the design was finalised.
The artists started on site on 5 April and the mural was complete on 16 April 2024.